The Varroa mite is the most devastating pest to the Western honey bee
(Apis mellifera).
Varroa was first described in 1904 by Anthonie Cornelius Oudermans as a parasite of
Apis cerana on the island of Java. Though great numbers of varroa could harm an
A. cerana colony, it was, in general, a fairly benign pest. But when migratory Russian beekeepers brought
A. mellifera to the Korean peninsula, causing extended periods of contact between the two bee species, a mutated mite was able to switch hosts.
A. mellifera succumbed easily to this aggressive new parasite and the mite rapidly spread between colonies and through regions. It first moved into the USSR, but then spread into southern Asia where the use of
A. mellifera was gaining popularity. Soon the global movement of bees and queens spread varroa nearly everywhere in the world.
Some more light was shed on the situation in 2000, when Anderson and Trueman published a
landmark paper showing that varroa was actually two species:
Varroa jacobsoni, the mite originally described by Oudermans, and
Varroa destructor. They realized the former could not breed on
A. mellifera while the latter could.
However, it is not that simple; each species of mite has over a dozen haplotypes, and only two haplotypes of
V. destructor (Japan & Korea) and one haplotype of
V. jacobsoni (Java) have made the switch to
A. mellifera. The Java haplotype has only recently switched, but only on the island of New Guinea (not Java or elsewhere). The Korean haplotype is the most aggressive of the three and it is most widespread. The Japan haplotype is far less aggressive than the Korean haplotype.
Oudemans, A. C. (1904). Acarological notes XIII. Entomologische berichten uitgegeven door de Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging 1: 169-174.
Gunther, C. E. M. (1951). A mite from a beehive on Singapore Island (Acarina: Laelapidae). Proc. Linnean Soc. New South Wales. 76: 155.
Breguetova, N. G. (1953). The mite fauna of the Far East. Parasitologuitcheskii Zbornik ZIN AN SSR 15: 302-338. (In Russian
Delfinado, M. D. (1963). Mites of the honey bee in Southeast-Asia. J of Apicult Res 2: 113-114.
Tzien-He, I. (1965). The biological peculiarities of the acarine mite Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans. Kounchong Zhishi 9: 40-41. (In Chinese).
Phadke, K. G., Bisht, D. S. & Sinha, R. B. P. (l966). Occurrence of the mite Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans in the brood cells of the honey bee, Apis indica F Indian J Entomol 28: 411-412.
Tian, Zai Soun. (1967). The disease or bees caused by the mite Varroa jacobsoni. Monop Kvahaiboi Karpo 4: 30-31. (In Korean)
Ehara, S. (1968). On two mites of economic importance in Japan (Arachnida: Acarina). Appl Entomol Zool 3:124-129
Stephen, W. A. (1968). A beekeeping problem in Vietnam and India. Bee World 49: 119-12
Laigo, F. M., & Morse, R. A. (1969). Control of the bee mites, Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans and Tropilaelaps clareae Delfinado and Baker with cholorobenzilate. Philippine Entomol 1: 144-148
Samsinak, K. & Haragsim, O. (1972). The mite Varroa jacobsoni imported into Europe. Vcelarstvi 25: 268-269
Velitchkov, V. & Natchev, P. (1973). Investigation about the Varroa jacobsoni disease - Oud. in Bulgaria. In: Proceedings of the XXIV the Apiculture Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pp 375-377.
Delfinado, M. D. & Baker, E. W. (1974). Varroidae, a new family of mites on honey bees Mesostigmata: Acarina. J Washin Acad Sci 64: 4-10
Orosi-Pal, Z. (1975). Varroa in America. Mehezet 23: 123. (In Hungarian)
Akratanakul, P. & Burgett, M. (1975). Varroa jacobsoni: A prospective pest of honey bees in many parts of the world. Bee World 56: 119-121
Montiel, J. C. & Piola, G. A. (1976). A new enemy of bees. Campo Moderno and Chacra. English translation: Varroasis, a honey bee disease. Apimondia Publication House, Bucharest: pp 36-38.
Koivulehto, K. (1976). Varroa jacobsoni, a new mite infesting honey bees in Europe Br Bee Journ 104:16-1
Grobov, O. F. (1976). Varroasis in bees: Varroasis, a honey bee disease. Apimondia Publication House, Bucharest. 46-70
Ruttner, F. (1977). Interim report on the cause of Varroa infection. Die Bienen 13: 353-354. (In German)
Marin, M. (1978). World spread of Varroa disease. Apiacta 13: 163-16
Alves, S. B., Flechtmann, C. H. & Rosa, A. E. (1975). Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans, 1904 (Acari: Mesostigmata, Varroidae) also in Brazil. Ecossistema 3: 78-79
Buza, L. (1978). Control of Varroa disease in Hungary. Apiacta 13: 176-177
Hicheri, L. K. (1978). Varroa jacobsoni in Africa. Apiacta 13: 178.
Santas, L. A. (1979). Problems of honey bee colonies in Greece. Apiacta 14: 127- 313
Crane, E. (1979). Fresh news on the Varroa mite. Bee World 608: 8
Popa, A. (1980). Agriculture in Lebanon. Ameri Bee Journ 120: 336-367.
Hoppe, H (1991) Promotion of beekeeping the province Al-Mahwite, Yemen GTZ: 8-10
Allsopp M., Govan V. & Davison S. (1997). Bee health report Varroa in South Africa. Bee World 78: 171-174
Sumpter, D. J. T., Martin S.J. (2004). The dynamics of virus epidemics in Varroa- infested honey bee colonies. J Anim Ecol 73: 52-63.
Paraiso, A., Cornelissen B., and Viniwanou, N. (2011) "Varroa destructor infestation of honey bee (Apis mellifera adansonii) colonies in Benin." Journal of Apicultural Research 50 4: 321-322.
Allsopp, M. (2007) "Analysis of Varroa destructor infestation of southern African honeybee populations." (2007).
Further Reading on haplotype distributions
Anderson DL (2004) Non reproduction of Varroa jacobsoni in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Apidologie 25: 412-421.
Anderson DL (2000) Variation in the parasitic parasitic bee mite Varroa jacobsoni Oud. Apidologie 31: 281-292
Fuchs, S., Long, LT., & Anderson, DL (2000) A scientific note on the genetic distinctness of Varroa mites on Apis mellifera L. and on Apis cerana Fabr. in North Vietnam
Zhou, T., Anderson, DL., Huan, ZY., Huang, Y. Huang, S., Yao, J., Ken, T., & Zhang, Q (2004) Identification of Varroa mites (Acari: Varroidae) infesting Apis cerana and Apis mellifera in China. Apidologie 35: 645-654.
Solignac, M., Cornuet, JM., Vautrin, D., Le Conte, Y., Anderson, DL., Evans, J., Cros-Arteil, S & Navajas, M (2005) The Invasive Korea and Japan types of Varroa destuctor , ectoparasitic mites of the Western honeybee (Apis mellfera), are two partly isolated clones. Proceeding of The Royal Society B. 272: 411-419.
Anderson DL (2008) Surveillance of parasites and diseases of honeybee in Papua New Guinea. CSIRO Report 30pp.
Timeslider (c) 2013 Dennis Wilhelm
Thanks to Dr. Denis Anderson for comments and information
Thanks to Christine HØynes for Scandanavian updates
Map created by William Blomstedt
wblomst (at)